As planned we cycled up to Little Glenshee which ordinarly would have been a very pleasant and scenic cycle however as we arrived at Perth the weather took a turn for the worst and it rained on and off for the remainder of our ride. The climb into little Glenshee itself was enjoyable not to steep and much longer than some expected. We should definately visit again sometime perhaps part of a longer ride and hopefully when the weather is much better i.e. no rain!
Good turn out with 10 riders including a new member Ali who came with us until Perth. Nice meeting you and hope to see you out again with us.
‘Superb navigational skills from Pete 🙂 ‘
Inchture > Rait > Perth > Almondbank > Pitcairngreen > Little Glenshee > Tullybelton > Bankfoot > Burrelton > Abernyte > Inchture
Distance: 88km
Elevation: 920m
Well done everyone especially due to the horrible rain, hope everyone dry’s out ready for next weeks ride.
COG Velo