Category Archives: ride

COG Ride 3rd July

Great ride last night with a bit of climbing up Kilspindie and fast flat work through the lang glen. And most importantly everyone enjoyed the ride well apart from the point when Nico got stung by a bee 🙁

Bring on the Tour de France (Sat 5th July 2014)!

Inchture > Ballindean > Kilspindie > Balbeggie > Kinrossie > Lang Glen > Abernyte > Inchture Hotel
Distance: 51.5km
Elevation: 605m

Well done folks good cycle.
COG Velo

COG Ride 26th June

Big numbers out last night – great stuff. Some quick riding to with the odd KOM collected nice one Alpy. Enjoyable ride – lets do it again sometime!

Inchture > Grange > Glendoick > Balbeggie > Ballo > North Ballo > Kinrossie > Alver Wood > Kirkton Wood > Jocks Brae > Knapp > Longforgan > Inchture Hotel
Distance: 57.5km
Elevation: 500m

Well done folks good cycle.
COG Velo

COG Ride 19th June

As it was our 3rd Thursday of the month we have a longer rider. We cycled over towards Dunkeld but took the Murthly turn before it to complete a figure of eight back to Inchture. Going through Meikleour and Murthly back to Balbeggie then Inchture.

Big numbers out again which is great to see. Weather was perfect although did get a bit colder later in the ride. Fast going to, with a major hurt on between Lynton – Kinclaven from the big guns Jamie, Pedro, Brian and Co.

Inchture > Abernyte > South Ballo > Burrelton > Meikleour > Glendelvine > Murthly > Newlands Woods > Tullielarbert Wood > Collace > Balbeggie > Rait > Ballindean > Inchture Hotel
Distance: 73km
Elevation: 710m

Well done folks good cycle.
COG Velo

COG Ride 5th June

Big turn out again 19 riders – must be the weather! Indeed the weather was perfect with only a slight wind. Again we put in a checky APR to keep people on their toes.

Inchture > Abernyte > South Ballo > Burrelton > Collace > Lang Glen > Jock’s Brae > Knapp > Longforgan > Inchture Hotel
Distance: 50km
Elevation: 630m

Well done folks.
COG Velo

COG Ride 1st May

Great ride last night with a big turn out and the weather was fantastic!

Lots of sprinting for KOM’s – great work guys all looking pretty strong and ready for this months busy calendar of events. Etapes and Fred Whitton – Good Luck!

Inchture > Longforgan >Knapp > Mill Hill > BerryHill > Jocks Brae > Balbeggie > Rait > Inchture Hotel
Distance: 46km
Elevation: 525m

Well done chaps.
COG Velo

COG Ride 17th April

3rd Thursday of the month means a longer club ride and last night was ‘Dunkeld Dash’. Strong riding from Pete who led the group around the Dunkeld loop – going very strong just now Pete! Couple of new faces out last night which is great, nice to meet you Neil & Nico. Hope you enjoyed the longer ride.

Inchture > Abernyte >Burrelton >Murthly > Dunkeld > Blairgowrie > Meikleour > Burrelton > Abernyte > Inchture Hotel
Distance: 85km
Elevation: 1000m

Well done gents.
COG Velo

COG Ride 10th April

Weather and lighter evenings has brought more riders out, which is great. Fast riding last night with Pedro keeping the pace high and taking a KOM while he was at it, Nice!

Inchture > Longforgan > Knapp > Littleton > Tullybaccart > Pitnappy > Newtyle > Muirhead > Liff > Fowlis > Berryhill > Balruddery > Mill Hill > Longforgan > Inchture
Distance: 49km
Elevation: 560m

Well done folks.
COG Velo

COG Ride 3rd April

Last night was a test run of our COG Time Trial event on 24th April 2014. It went very well with some quick times too!

Results from our TT test route:

Ballindean > Glendoick

Pedro 24.30
Paul 26.54
Pete 27.01
Neil 27.16
Ben U 27.18
Brian 28.10
Nico 28.11
Jay 28.39
Olly 28.55
Russel 29.22
Ben F 29.39
Katie 29.44
Distance: 30km
Elevation: 168m

Thanks to everyone for taking part, and for their pain and suffering tonight.
COG Velo

COG Ride 27th March

Enjoyable loop to Perth and back to Inchture taking in some nice climbs – Glencarse, Kinnoull, Rait and Kinnaird. The wind was a bit rubbish on our return but we had some strong legs on the front Pedro and Nick – nice work chaps.


Inchture >Errol > St. Madoes > Glencarse > Kinfauns > Kinnoull Hill > Perth > Scone > Rait > Kinnaird > Abernyte > Inchture
Distance: 59km
Elevation: 600m

Great effort guys!
COG Velo